About skr CAB

Welcome to skrCAB, the platform for Club Associated Businesses (CABs) of the game Excellentia.

We transform the game into reality by providing a space where businesses can thrive and players can access a range of products and services offered by our CABs.

What are Club Associated Businesses (CABs)?

CABs are businesses that have been created within the platform of the Seekers Club, in accordance with our internal regulations. The capital of each CAB is subdivided into governance participation tokens, called GOPAR, which can be traded on the internal market established by the club.

The objective of CABs is to help all members of the platform improve in all aspects of their lives and achieve excellence. CABs renounce 40% of their net profits in exchange for the support of the club's members and experts.


websites to develop the platform


Projects under study


Approved CABs

Why create a CAB?

Creating a CAB is an important step towards financial success and building a solid business supported by a committed and expert community.

You will not receive them directly, but they will be paid to professionals, collaborators and other CABs to help you achieve your goals. You propose the activities, and if the club's Board of Directors deems it appropriate, they will add them to the list of activities.

As the creator of a CAB, you will receive a considerable amount of SEEKER tokens in addition to the tokens you receive as a club member.

Form to create a CAB

To create a CAB, you will need to complete a form on our website, providing detailed information about your business and your reasons for adhering it to the club. Our platform managers will be at your disposal to help you during the entire process of creating your CAB, as we understand that the more businesses that adhere to the club, the more value all members will receive.

Seekers Club


The Game

It is important to note that by creating a CAB, you are acquiring rights and obligations within the club, and it is crucial to comply with our established rules and maintain a good relationship with other members.

At skrCAB, we provide a space for businesses to thrive and for players to access a range of products and services offered by our CABs. Explore this option and see how it can help you on your path to financial excellence!